Thursday 16 August 2012

The Law and Marketing

Whether you work for a private or public sector organisation or advise clients, there has been a significant increase in legalisation relating to marketing activities, both at National and EU levels.
Some of this legalisation has updated existing laws and regulations, but there has been the introduction of new legalisation in such areas as SMS marketing, spam, direct marketing, brand management, advertising, cookies and direct selling.  New legalisation is currently in the pipeline and this will bring more challenges and complexity for how we, as Marketors, go about our daily role and devise marketing strategy.
For Marketors, there is also the ‘spirit’ of what the law intended, principles and behaviour, and ethical codes to be considered when reaching a decision or recommendation.
Given the importance of legalisation, I’m pleased to announce the formation, under the Chairmanship of Liveryman Ardi Kolah, of the Marketors Law and Marketing Group.  The group will identify the changes and challenges; keeping Marketors aware of what these mean for the marketing profession.  The group is about support and help; identifying key legal issues and working with law firms and other professional advisors who will host events on these topics for our Company Members.
More announcements will follow shortly, but if you have any immediate questions please feel free to contact Ardi.

John Flynn
Master Marketor

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