Monday 3 May 2010

The growing significance of Outreach projects

Last week three Marketors met Bob Bryan and Claire Seaton of our affiliated church, St Brides. Barbara Thomas chairs our committee that liaises with St Brides and Michael Harrison chairs the Outreach committee.

Bob and Claire are both members of the wonderful, professional St Bride's choir. I am delighted that when they wanted some help with (in a broad sense) publicising the choir, they turned to the Marketors. We shall be happy to respond.

In the course of the conversation, Michael mentioned that we now have 60 Outreach projects running, of all kinds. This is a significant number and shows how far we have come since the start made in Past Master David Collischon's year, and taken forward by (now Middle Warden) John Flynn.

I salute all Marketors who give their time pro bono for the benefit of others -it's what Livery Companies do and is particularly apt in the year when we shall receive our Charter.

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